Thursday, June 13, 2013

June 13th, 2013-7:36 am ( weather outside- rainy )..... Brittany woke up at 7:04am and woke me up to get up and get ready for school. We both stayed laying down til 7:06am and then said we have to get up. We looked at each other and wished we had the day off together but we had no choice. She had no marks or anything on her face when I looked at her talking. She went in my room to get dressed for school and I went to the kitchen to feed the cats, etc. I went and used the bathroom while Britt was getting ready and tickled her sides as I walked behind her and she looked at me and smiled and laughed and said mom in a joking way. She had nothing on her face then either. I went back out to the kitchen and left her alone to finish getting ready. She never felt anything as she told me after and she only noticed her face was scratched after brushing her teeth and she looked in the mirror. 

She came out to me in the kitchen to show me and the scratch looked fresh and was still bleeding. None of our cats scratched her nor were any of them sleeping with her or even near her. She said she never felt anything but her face stung afterwards. It's not a big scratch but noticeable enough. We just went about our morning until I took her to the bus stop, but she was upset over what happened to her and it upset me even more even though I tried not to let on that it did so I wouldn't upset her more.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 9th, 2013-3pm... I went to see a psychic medium. I hemmed and hawned about doing so but I have tried everything else and wanted to to see and try because even though I have my convictions and am definitely positive as to who one of the spirits in my home are and the possibility of another but didn't have alot to go on, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to try to get more answers as to why we have been living in this kind of hell as I call it in the home. This person didn't know me at all and we did not know each other at all either. Before we got started she said there two people wanting to tell me something. It took me by surprise but at the same time, in my heart.. I knew who they were and I was right.
They were two deceased uncles of mine. Both whom weren't good people in life and they were in and out of prisons and jails and did many bad things. I had a history with one of them and the other.. I never had anything bad happen but I did see him in prison once and don't know why I was taken there to see him by the other uncle but I will never forget how that visit went.

But, what I was told.... it was definitely beyond a doubt and I put my life on it... that two of the evil sprirts in my home are both my uncles. The details she told me, Only a few certain people know the history of the one uncle involving me and what she told me... it was like I was living thru it all over again. I have 3 evil and very bad spirits in my home and 2 are my uncles and the other is someone not related to me, but he has a connection to the home, he's very mean and angry and I remind him of someone and I look like them, and he also wears clothes from another time. The other 2 spirits I have is a woman who has a connection to the home and she lost someone in the home and she has alot of tears and her name was either Ann or Mary. I did confirm the name Ann and it does make sense as to who she was and she did live here at one time with her husband. The other spirit is a little girl, 4 yrs. old and she is my second daughter that I lost and she is in heaven and is with a woman who is brunette. My grandmother ( mom's mom ) was brunette in her younger yrs and she's deceased too.

I was also told that a ouija board was found in our home which is correct. My husband found it when he started cleaning the attic in Oct. of 2010. I was also told that someone practiced Wicca and Paganism rituals with it, but I cannot confirm as to would have at this time. I have the history on the home and as to who lived here and where and what years, but found out that there was someone who did own this home prior to when the families I do know of living here. I have to get some more info about this. I was also told that recently I fell down my back stairs although I didn't fall but was pushed and that is true. I was leaving my landlord's kitchen and I have to go by the attic door to go down the stairs to my place. I was pushed two steps down from the attic door. I was also told that the door to the left... which is the attic... there is always something or someone there and the attic is very bad and evil and I am to stay out of it. It is true and have had that confirmed on several investigations and as well as myself experiencing things in it. 
It was confirmed that written messages I had gotten in the beginning saying "I want the girl".... the girl is me and they want me deader then dead. I have also known this all along as well. Another incident that happened with my daughter and I luckily intercepted when I did... was confirmed as the starting of a possession and it was so she would try to hurt me for them. I was also told that I am never alone and they follow me no matter where I go and I do firmly believe that and have had that proven to me too. There was much more confirmed to me that I will not post here and some of it is relevant to what goes on here regarding my husband and his energy being used, but otherwise there were other things confirmed but not related to the home and as to what goes on.
June 7th, 2013- Friday-12:50pm. I had an appt. to go to and while I'm on my way the radio volume in the car would suddenly go really low and then really loud. I had the volume up only two notches but it kept doing it. I tried playing cds and it would still do it with the exception of one cd. I thought it was just a problem starting with the radio so I didn't pay it much mind. I just shut it off and parked and went to my appt. After finishing I left to go home and the radio was still acting up so again I just it shut off. I pulled into my driveway and tried the radio one more time but still the same problem. After shutting the car off, all of a sudden the trunk popped open. Now the trunk sticks and you have to hit the trunk button a couple of times and then push up on the trunk because it sticks. But, the trunk popped fully open. I thought I may have bumped the button on the keys but I knew I didn't but still questioned myself. I just got out of the car and closed the trunk and didn't even bother looking in it and I went in the house. It was pouring rain too.

June 7th, 2013- Friday-3:00pm.... Still pouring rain but went to get my daughter at her bus stop. While waiting for her I tried the radio again but was still having the same problem no matter if I played cds or just the radio. When my daughter got in the car I told her about the radio and she tried and still the same problem and I told her to just shut it off and leave it. We pulled into the driveway and I shut the car off. I thought I had heard the trunk pop open again but this time I still had the key in the ignition. She looked in the mirror but she noticed it wasn't open. We both got out of the car and went to walk in the house together and all of a sudden we heard banging coming from the trunk. It sounded like someone was in the trunk and was banging to get out. We both looked at each other and decided to walk away but the banging got louder and it scared her and she screamed. In the meantime my friend's daughter was in my house waiting for us and she came out to see what we were doing. I had her come towards us near the car and she heard the banging and it was more intense and frequent and definitely coming from the trunk. 

I had them stand away from the car while I pressed the button to pop the trunk. Of course it was sticking and I had to push up on it to get it to open. There was nothing in the trunk at all but we continued to still hear the banging noises. I was aggravated at that point and I had been thinking that an animal had gotten in it but there was nothing. I opened the car door and pushed the front seat forward and leaned into the back seat and the banging noise continued that was coming from behind the back seat. I banged twice on the seat and I got two banging noises back. I then banged three times and got 3 banging noises right back. I kept trying to press the lock/unlock button on the keys and I would bang. I got a banging noise back every time I pressed the button and then the third banging back as to what I did. I tried pressing the buttons again and then all of a sudden the banging stopped.

We were all freaked out by it and in the meantime... I didn't say anything to them but I had such an uncomfortable feeling and couldn't explain it. I just closed the trunk and we went into the house. When my husband got home we all told him about it and didn't really know what to come up with as to what it all was. There were no problems with the car at all and the only thing we did to it was recently have the front brakes done.
Later that evening we took our daughter to her dance and while my husband was driving... I tried the radio and the cds and they played normally. I played around with the volume and it was all normal. We got home and nothing else happened. The trunk was fine and no banging. Later that night we went to pick our daughter up from the dance and there were still no problems at all with the car or radio.

My husband took the car out the next day and had no problems and I used the car the next day and everything was fine. We cannot explain what happened but my heart told me that what's in our house had followed me in the car. This was confirmed a few days later after all too. I went to see someone regarding trying to get answers as to what else is in our home and with what we have been dealing with for 3 years now. Many things were confirmed and were mind blowing as to how this person knew because I told her nothing.

June 11th, 2013-Tuesday- after 9am... I was mopping my floor in the kitchen and I have 3 metal recipe boxes on top of the fridge and an empty container. While I went by my daughter's bedroom door to mop, one of the boxes and the container come flying at me. I did throw the mop and was angry even though I shouldn't have been but couldn't help it. I picked the box and container up and just put them back on top of the fridge. I constantly have the feeling that I am not alone in the home and I am being watched. I try to keep busy and go about my days but the feeling is unshakeable. Nothing else happened until later on that night. 8:57 am.... My daughter had text me to tell me something happened at my home. I was across the street visiting with my friend's daughter.

My daughter said she was sitting at the dining room table studying when she heard a grand piano being played but not for long. It wasn't the t.v. because she was still studying and it's definitely not the ring tone on her ipod that she uses to text me with. It also didn't come from upstairs at Walter's because he doesn't have a piano or organ. It also didn't come from her music because she had it paused and my husband was playing a game on his ipod with his headphones in. She said that the piano music was slow and that it was a pretty song but she didn't know what the song was and even though it was a short song it was very pretty.
It came from the dining room right across from her at the table. When she picked her head up from studying to look, the music stopped. My husband also heard it and at that point too my daughter had shut off her ipod and my husband wasn't using his head phones at that point or playing anything on his ipod that would have music. My daughter said it was like when you go to a concert and someone plays for an audience. 
My dining room light isn't working right now so my daughter had taken a lamp from the kitchen to use for light and it was by her at the table. It flickered a couple of times right after the music playing and there's nothing wrong with the bulb or the lamp. She also didn't feel any cold spots or any coldness at all before or after everything happened. She also heard some small knocking noises but wasn't sure if it was the ice maker on the fridge or not. Nothing else happened after that.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4th, 2013- 9:15am... Had two butter knifes on the table while making something to eat. Both knives were thrown at me and landed by my feet while I was at the stove. Just picked them up and put them in the sink. Waiting to see if anything else will happen.

June 4th, 2013 7:59 am.....Walked in the door from coming back from bringing Brittany to the bus stop and when I closed the door.. the tape dispenser was thrown at me that is kept on the computer desk. I just picked it up and put it back.
June 3rd, 2013- 9:36 pm..... Brittany and I were finishing up working on a project earlier for one of her classes in school and we didn't have any markers or crayons and the only colored pencils were neon colors and pastel ones, nothing black at all. I went to put the glue gun away and I had seen what looked like a long black gouged line into the hardwood floor, and the rug under the computer chair... the end flaps were lifted up on both corners. Brittany and I ended up finding more lines and we found that it was done with a black marker or so because we could wash it away. 

To the right of the corner of the rug.. there was a diamond drawn and we found an upside down triangle drawn with a line underneath it. I have a black cabinet in my dining room area that I keep all the craft materials in and what looks like a letter "K" was made in front of the cabinet door on the floor, and several small lines made towards the fish tank and one under my hutch. I don't know what was used to make these marks and shapes and I know we had nothing being used project wise that could have been used. I also had goosebumps while trying to take pictures of everything and just an eerie feeling.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 28th, 2013- 1:12am- My cat Pirate and I went to get a drink of water together. I was getting our water ready when all of a sudden we heard loud growling. My cat's eyes got huge and he took off running and hid where I couldn't find him. I went back out to the kitchen and while standing by the table.... I heard "Die Bitch".... loud and very clear. I just dumped the water in the sink and stayed up the rest of the night but didn't smell, feel, or hear anything more. Weather-rainy and damp

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday-May 24th, 2013- 10:20am... Got up to put my plate in the sink and when I walked by the fridge.... a bottle of cranberry juice came flying out and it hit the floor and juice was everywhere. It just missed hitting me but a definite mess indeed and not expected.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Weather Outside: Muggy and Rainy
Saturday-May 11th, 2013- 5-5:30 am..... Heard what was thought to be my husband getting ready for work and him mumbling something that I couldn't make out. Then heard him talking to someone on his cell phone. I was aggravated from being awakened since I had fallen asleep the night before on the couch in the living room. When he got home from work later on.... I questioned him as to why he was mumbling and who called him during the morning, and he very honestly told me that he never said a word nor did he get any calls. I've questioned myself to the fact of maybe I was dreaming perhaps, but I knew I wasn't because I was awake and even saw him go to the refrigerator and even make coffee. 

Saturday-May 18th, 2013-5-5:30am- My husband left for work that morning and when he closed the front door, it woke me up. About an hour later.... I heard what sounded like a young person saying.. "Here- over here-here". My daughter was still sleeping and we were the only two in the house.

Tuesday- May 21st, 2013-10:15am- My friend came to visit for a bit before she had to return to work. She went into the bathroom and she heard "Get Out" spoken twice thru the heat vent. She said it was very clear as to hearing it as well. She left to go back to work and no further activity.

Wednesday- May 22nd, 2013- Still no further activity or hearing any voices or anything being spoken, but felt like I wasn't alone in my home and as though I was being watched. Had a hard time trying to sleep and tried laying down at 3:40am again.

Thursday- May 23rd, 2013- 3:55 am- Started to doze off but smelled a faint smell of cigarette smoke. I kept my eyes closed but then started to smell sulfur from when matches are lit and then blown out. It smelled like someone was right in front of my face lighting one match after another, and then the cigarette smoke smell got stronger. It was nauseating and when I went to reach for my phone to see what time it was... the smell of sulfur and smoke dissipated. I remained awake until I dozed off at 6:00am and was awake at 7:11am.
At 7:12am I received a call from my friend's mom on my cell but was disconnected the minute I said hello. I text her to make sure everything was okay and she texted back that she did not call me at all.
The weird thing is... the call came was actually received at 6:02 am on my phone. She checked hers and it showed that the call was made from her phone also at 6:02 am. The only thing is... she had taken her phone from her charger and left it on her purse at the kitchen table while she was finishing getting ready for work. She never called me nor even had turned the phone on at that point. It cannot be explained as to how the call was made and why the timing differences took place.  



Friday, March 8, 2013

Another note to add..... have heard the name "James" mentioned when asked what the spirit or entity's name is. James can be used as a boy's name or a girl's name. It means- "He who supplants". Supplants means- to displace and substitute for another. take the place or move into position of, or to take the place of by trickery or force. Our entity always gave us the name "Frank". Frank means.... "Frenchman or free one" or "free- land owner". I know that you may possibly not get a true name of the entity or spirit when they are asked what their name is, and I am still not in agreeance that either of these two names are the actual true names either.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday- May 15th-10:00..... I received a friend request from Carol Howland on Facebook. I never knew anyone by this name but with everything going on I decided to accept it and see what would happen. After accepting the request I started to receive messages from Carol that was like a riddle. I played along with the riddle in my responses but as the messages kept coming I knew that this Carol person wasn't just someone random anymore. I now knew that I was no longer going to receive written communication from the entity in my home, but it found a new way. At first I really questioned the logistics of this being someone who was playing a sick joke or someone who was trying to break me down somehow, but as I kept playing along I knew that this was not the case. At the time with the exception of two friends who have also witnessed what I had going on in my home, no one knew anything at all and I knew with my heart and soul that I was right with my thoughts. 

I had made two separate phone calls to someone who is very well known regarding the paranormal and I was a bit disappointed with what I was told regarding everything I had going on. First I was told that it was all kinetic energy and that my daughter was the one doing everything. I did research on kinetic energy and I understand the conceptions of it, but I had seen what took place at times when my daughter wasn't present. Secondly I was told that spirits can't use a computer to communicate and it was just someone playing a joke. After much more research and finding a few books on the topic, It is true that computers or any other kind of electronic equipment can be used by spirits to communicate. I decided to go with my own instincts and my own beliefs and proceed. I have never regretted to this day of proceeding as I have. I don't have pictures posted as of yet regarding what I am talking about here, but I can elaborate further and can prove it.

After the riddle kept going on... I received a message from Carol saying "don't be mad i was only joking and i have not talked to you in a long time". On May 18th- 5:26pm.... I received a wall post from Carol saying " () ) h---". I commented with responses but didn't receive any regarding the post. May 20th.... I had mentioned God in my words and the response I received.... Carol Howland May 20th- 5:45am.... "god where ++++++++++++++++++++++++". I sent responses but didn't receive any replies.  May21st- Carol Howland.... " ttaallkknnoommoorreeiiiwwiill sseeeeyyoouusshhuutttthheeddoooorr". I had posted more comments to it it's wall and that was my response. I didn't get anything until May 22nd- 8:51am Carol Howland.... RE: GOD..... "nh nonononononono*********". (My investigator Nicole who was at home trying to help me and these are the messages I received). Carol Howland- May 22nd- 8:56pm.... "N.H. no help hahahahaha". On May 28th... I sent a message regarding words of God and I didn't get any responses until May 31st.
 On May 31st.....Carol Howland- May 31st- 10:40am....... "let go i go". 10:41am..... "not alone".

I received a message in response to mine and words of God. Carol Howland- May 31st...... <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^+

After receiving this I did research to decipher what these symbols meant and what this message was telling me. Here is what I found.... "^*^*^*" means- to the power of. "<><><><>" means- could mean free mason and you worship the devil-satanic sign. "+++++" means- crucifixion of Christ. "=====" means- the same as element of air or this... "persons strongly influenced by this sign tend to use their intellect or their personal system of ideas, as their primary means of recognizing and ordering their enviroment. Used as a water element... it influences the individual to experience his or her surroundings primarily through emotions and feelings.

Basically what the symbol message was saying is this.... "I worship the devil. He protects me thru the power of him not Christ (God). I'm given the power to recognize and order my environment. I have the power to exist thru your emotions and feelings not Christ (God). I definitely was convinced that what I was dealing with in my home was definitely something with evil intentions and I knew I had to be cautious but still vigilant at the same time. The next message I received was June 1st.

Carol Howland- June 1st- 11:42am..... "need pass let go ++++floss!!!!!!!! time run out++++++++++++++ not strong enough+++++++". Floss means- the act of chilling in one place for a long period of time in attempt to attract others attention. It can also mean showing off what you got. Example- need pass let go (God) floss. God is not strong enough. Other definitions of floss- to beat someone very very severely in a game or competition. A french word meaning young woman. French/Spanish word- emphasize-"freedom for entanglements". In English- means free. It can also mean to show off especially by exhibiting one's wealth or talent. Or, to strike a pose, profile, to pretend, feign, to show off.  Floss also can mean- Slang word- things, truth, lies, information, agreement, disagreement,doubt. To deceive, pretend, flower, goddess of flowers/ flora. The name Florence also the same meaning as floss. It can also be used as a baby's name, and can also be a cheerful and charming woman or person or a small stream of water. I still am not sure if this message was meant on it's behalf or for mine because it can be taken either way. 

After receiving this message I logged off Facebook for a little while that day. I went to log back in several hours later and when I went to type my info... I found this in the login bar- =====. In the password bar I found- a black dot and a -. No one was here to use my laptop since I was alone and when I logged out of everything I shut the lid. The black dot means- marked for death. You did something to betray someone. Can also mean that your going to die very soon. Death and sacrifice. Symbolizing death of an enemy. Also death and one to be sacrificed. Your the winner and your prize is death. Smells of sulfur can also symbolize death which we have had smells from time to time. Crows, ravens, dark storm clouds, a river or stream trickling down to nothing can also symbolize death. From time to time, we have seen black crows fly away from our home in the front and back. I have never been one to like crows and have always had a fear of them.From what I learned throughout the investigations I have had and I have had 5 of them, each one it has been made known that it wants me to die or wants me dead. It definitely doesn't like me and I'm always told to die. I believe in some respect to this... I am in the way of what it wants which I feel is my daughter for some reason. Or... it just plainly doesn't like me and just clearly wants me out of the picture. 

My thoughts also leaned towards another fact basis as well. I have a deceased relative whom during my younger years I had some tragic encounters with. I also knew the history of this relative in his life and none of it was good. For one of my investigations I was looking for a picture to use of him and no one knew I had the pics that I do nor did they know where they were kept. When I went to get them the picture was missing along with several others. A necklace that belonged to my grandmother given to me that I cherished had also disappeared and I still haven't found it. I knew exactly where I kept it and no one else did. My daughter's undergarments that we bought her new for back to school also disappeared and were never found. Some messages that my husband received and some other messages that were meant for my mom when she was visiting also gave me the clues as to who I positively feel was the one that started the activity here in our home. There were things said that only the deceased relative and myself would have known about and that also gave me more of an inclination to it all. I felt that this relative ended up being where he didn't want to be in death and I also was a strong reason why he remained there as well. Once when I wrote a letter telling him I forgave him where his ashes are buried, my husband received a message to say he was gone but there was someone else still here. I can't explain this all but I can say that don't harbor things in your life for they can come back and haunt you one way or another. I received this next message right after my husband had gotten his on his Facebook too. 

Carol Howland- June 13th-11:39am...... " gone but someone else there thank um". There was also a message once of- "13 will win". 13 I know is defined as an evil number and it also the death card in a tarot deck as I have read. I didn't receive anymore messages until June 30th. We all tried to go about our days here and continue to live as normal of a life that can be lived but I always still kept guard. Carol Howland- June 30th- 6:12pm..... "leave me alone.....>>>>>>". During one of our investigations one of our investigators had gotten from the attic... the numbers "75, 57, 1987". Also a name of "Renee" then "Rob, N.H. Kevin, Matt, Angel". The name Renee was going to be a middle name I picked when I found out I was pregnant but I had changed it to Nicole instead. Other then that.. that's all I could relate the name Renee to. The numbers 75 and 57 were ages of 3 people in my life that died but I don't know if that was the reference. 1987.... I can recall many events during that year but I couldn't relate it to anything happening here and I still don't know the significance. The other names were our investigators and of my husband. Also.. there was a question if one I had someone in my family that had lung cancer and if I knew which lung had it the worst? They knew which lung but wouldn't say until I could answer. I knew of my grandfather that died from it but didn't know which lung was worst. My grandfather would have never haunted me like I was having done because I was very close with him growing up. I do not know the cause of death of my deceased relative and still working on finding out. Another relative I know had cancer but can't find out what kind when he died. I have always questioned if it was another relative of mine that has continued on haunting but I didn't have many ties with him. The only thing I knew is that the two relatives were brothers and they both had troubled lives and did things together. One would never do anything without the other. To this day I am still mixed on my thoughts on and off, but there times too that I believe it's not a relative at all. No more messages until July.

Carol Howland- July 1st- 8:09pm..... "waiting". I don't know what this meant and did reply asking what it was waiting for but never got anymore responses. When my mom came to visit from out of state in July, I still didn't hear anything more but I sent a message to wait and see if I would. One day my mom seen she had a voicemail msg. on her cell and when she played it.. she played it for me and it said- " Hello Bitch"and then hung up. The only number that showed a call from, was from her pharmacy out of state and they certainly wouldn't leave a message like that. During this time too, my husband was able to find old newspaper articles regarding my two deceased relatives and the stories were unbelievable. Some of the articles also included pictures as well and I wanted to share everything with mom to try to help me still figure things out. She had mentioned to me that she received a letter from one of them one time and I decided to use this info to see if I would get a response this way. Her and I also visited the cemetery where my grandparents and the ashes of my relative were and we had a talk with my grandfather while there. When we got back I checked my Facebook to see if there was any replies and it posted two comments on its wall for both my mom and I to see. 

Carol Howland- July 3rd-2:14pm.... " im sorry". I replied asking "sorry for what?" and "do u want her ( my mom ) to know your sorry or both of us?". It's response was "both". My mom left to go back home and things stayed quiet. She did experience someone standing behind her while she was sitting in the chair with me at the computer, and she also always felt uncomfortable. She stayed with me for two days and ended up sleeping at another home because she was very uncomfortable. It was upsetting to me in some ways but I also understood because of how I have been living with it all myself. There was no further activity or communication until July 9th.

Carol Howland- July 9th- 9:34am.... This message was sent to my husband- " i guess you know im not charles he's gone the pussy". Now as you can see throughout this entire story, I refrained from using names for the privacy purposes of those involved. I will say that "Charles" was one of my deceased relatives. Another thing that I didn't mention in the very beginning was how I kept having these two separate dreams before anything ever happened here. They were the same two dreams consistently and everything was in color. I could sit down and draw you everything with every exact detail and I can explain them in the same manner. The first one... I would be walking my dog down a street away from home and it was early evening. The street lights came on but it was dark yet. I kept hearing foot steps behind me and they would stop when I stopped walking. I would turn behind me to look but there was no one there. I would make it to where there is a bench to sit at and a big tree right by the bench and when I made it to that spot... is when someone would jump out from behind the tree and grab me. He hurt the dog and set him in my lap and then was going to try hurting me until I pulled his black mask off his head and face and I would see Charles and then I would wake up. It got to me so much that I stopped walking with my dog on that street.

The second dream... where I used to live there used to be all woods and some trails that would lead to another road and other homes. When we were kids and teenagers... we always played or partied in those woods. Now they are gone and its all houses and roads. In my dream I was at one of the roads hanging out with friends and I decided to go home. I started walking back into the woods when I heard a noise and realized I was being chased. I started running and ran to where this was a big field that us kids always used to go riding in or playing in. I turned my head to look behind me and I tripped and fell. When I rolled over and looked up.. there was Charles and my husband laughing and discussing what Charles should do to me first. I kicked at them and then I would wake up. I could never understand why my husband was in the dream and it still makes no sense to me with him. But, every time I dreamed these dreams I would wake up in a sweat and my heart pounding and would be wide awake the rest of the night. I couldn't understand why I was having them until things started to happen and I feel that they were signs for me for what was in store. 

I had learned that the Facebook account for Carol Howland was created on October 6th, 2010. This was when my husband had started cleaning out the attic but nothing started happening until March 2011. Only myself, my husband, and another account I was using in a different name to keep reference with all this, were the only friends of Carol Howland and never our daughter or anyone else. Right now I found in two different places.. in my old messages from friends etc. and in my friend's list... that the account has been deactivated. I get that message and a message in my inbox stating that the account is deactivated and I can no longer send any messages. The odd thing to all this is... I am still able to pull up Carol Howland's facebook and I sent a friend request and two messages. The account isn't deactivated when I try to search and open it. On other accounts it doesn't show up or you get a message saying page requested not found. I have not been able to explain this nor have I received any responses as of yet. 

The last time I received a message from Carol Howland was December 24th-2:31pm.... " a black dot right before the message started- i used them you should of left me alone give me back what you took in attic where is my stuff%%%%%%%^^^^*****@@@@( () ))". My husband was in the attic wrapping Christmas presents and this has been the last one to date. One thing to note too... no one knew we were cleaning out the attic except ourselves so again... it wasn't someone from my friends or my husband's acct. playing a nasty joke on us.

There have been things that happened at a friend's home whom I mentioned in my earlier post that came here and was in the attic with me and brought holy water to our landlord. She would hear noises in her home, have strange things happen and she would hear someone say for her to call Dawn. I couldn't explain it and another time.. she was walking in the cemetary where my grandparents are and she stopped to say some things where my deceased relative is buried and while she was there.. she was hit in the eye with a bead. She still has the bead and it came out of nowhere in the cemetary. The only connection I have with her aside from being friends,  is she knows another relative of mine that I found out was also responsible for claiming my deceased relative's body when he died along with another family member and I believe they were the also the ones who decided upon his burial and paid for it. I still can't explain fully why she gets affected too, but I do believe that the spirits we have can travel and follow and they have. 

Aside from this.. things stayed relatively quiet until October to December 2011. We kept smelling burnt toast, roses, and the wild musk perfume again. We've also smelled rotting flesh or a decomposing body, and still were being touched when sleeping. December 19th... after coming home from our daughter's bus stop, we smelled burnt toast throughout the house and nothing was being cooked. Approximately 10 mins. after we smelled it my daughter had gotten a painful headache. There had been and still happens now, growling noises by our daughter's bedroom door and it was so loud at one time that my cat ran behind my dryer and wouldn't come out. 

I have had my towel pulled off me after getting out of the shower. Its been thrown so when I got out of the shower I couldn't reach it. We have heard what sounds like a young girl or boy say hello, and have while sitting on the couches my daughter and I have heard our names called out in a whisper. We went into the cabinet of our microwave cart and the door started swaying back and forth and almost slammed my hand in the cabinet. The door to my hutch is sometimes found wide open but nothing is touched. One morning at 2am my daughter was awakened from hearing someone whispering in her ear- "Help... help me". 

My dining room chairs would sometimes move back and forth into the table for no reason and there have been shadows seen in the dining room by the table and hutch, and in my living room by our daughter's doll house, or the entry way into the kitchen. Sunday- December 18th..... I had a dream that my daughter had died. She was already buried and had a headstone and I didn't know how she died. I was at the cemetery with people I didn't know and only 3 close friends. My daughter was buried next to one of my friend's daughter. Two of my friends left to go to my house because people were bringing food but I didn't know who the people were bringing it. My friend whose daughter was buried stayed with me at the grave and did her best to console me. Somehow I ended up back at my house and didn't want to see food or anyone. I grabbed a green razor knife and snuck out the back door and started walking. I ended up back at the cemetery ( and this cemetery is the same one I spoke of concerning my deceased relative and grandparents ). My friend was still there and one of my other friends was in her car parked outside of the cemetery. I flipped out being upset and I ran up a hill where a tree is and I was punching and kicking the tree and cutting at it with the razor knife. Both my friends were trying to hold me and take the knife away. They finally got me pinned to the ground they got me to calm down and they wouldn't let me go and I woke up.

This dream I can also draw everything and show you the exact locations and details. I checked on my daughter after waking up and she was sleeping. But, when I turned I looked at my table in the living room and there was the green razor knife sitting by a picture frame. I keep the knife at the computer desk in the dining room and none of us used the knife for any reason. I put the knife back and stayed up the rest of the night. 

Another incident happened with our daughter and my husband found her. She went to bring something upstairs to our landlord and was suppose to come right back down. My husband thought she was taking too long and he went to go upstairs to check on her. He found her just standing on the stairs. When he asked her what she was doing she stood there telling him it was cold and she was shivering because she only had a t-shirt on and no jacket or sweater. She was kind of weird and never said what she was doing. After all of this... I believe that things were already going on in the home in 2010 but I never gave it much attention or thought anything out of the ordinary. Now I am in tune to everything and I pay attention to everything. Our daughter is a great person and does well in school and has a great personality but I also keep close attention on her too as her mother and as to who I am.

After December 2011... we didn't have many upsetting episodes and if anything, we just learned to keep ignoring anything we noticed and not give any attention to what was wanted. Our daughter was away on vacation for the summer and my husband and I went on each day as we always do. Once our daughter was back things started happening in August 2012.

Friday- August 10th 2012- 4:30am..... My landlord called to say he found cat litter spilled all over his bedroom floor. He also found 2 small bowls filled with wet and dry cat food, and a pencil and a bowl was thrown at him. The wet food in the bowls was dried out. The bowl that he got hit with was on the floor at first but found it in a bucket later. Ice tea and some kind of liquid cleaner was poured on the floor and then a metal spoon was thrown at him. At 5:12am.... In his front room, cans of cat food were thrown everywhere and the rack he kept them on was knocked over. Cat litter and wet cat food was left on the seat of his power chair he had charging and water was poured on the chair and floor. In his bathroom- a full bottle of Snuggle detergent was poured all over his bathroom. At 5:22am- Baking soda was poured on his kitchen floor and table. 

Other items that were also thrown at him between the rooms were- onions, potatoes, a pen and pencil, cds, screws, cat treats, washers used for the screws, containers that he kept things in, 2 dice and cards, a hand held mini vacuum, 2 door stoppers, a baseball, and his cell phone that he had charging behind his t.v. was unplugged and thrown, tape cassettes and batteries. After cleaning all this up things were thrown at him again- At 10:41am.... an onion and potatoes, an air freshener, an electric pencil sharpener, cd case, 2 cans of cat food. Again everything was cleaned up and he was alone when all of this took place. Things stayed quiet after this and my daughter went upstairs to check on him 11:30am and help him cook for dinner later.

At 11:44am..... Things started being thrown again and this time it was my daughter and landlord. they were- 5 cans of cat food, a vhs tape, a plastic beanie baby display case, a cd, tape cassettes, flea products for his cats, the pencil sharpener, a  container of butter, and hand held pruning shears.
All of this was being thrown at them while they were in the kitchen cooking. Also found were 2 dice on the floor placed in two places and each were both facing up with what would be the number 3. Again we cleaned everything up and went down stairs.

At 3:34pm.... Our landlord was alone and while he was in his bathroom he was hit with a thermometer, an old key, and the pencil sharpener. He wrote down on paper towel what was thrown and I found it crumpled up in a ball on a tray in his living room. I found the dice moved again and they were showing the number 4. While cleaning up, I found that the dice were moved yet again and this time one was showing with the number 4 and the other one number 2. I'm not sure still on the significance of the numbers with the dice. Before going downstairs I left a message written on a paper towel with the word "Leave" with exclamation signs and cross signs and left it on his kitchen table. 

Later on we all went upstairs to have dinner with our landlord and one of our daughter's friends was with us too. Nothing happened while we were up there and I went to get a drink in the kitchen and found the word "No" written on the paper towel message I left. I wrote "yes" with exclamation points and wrote "leave now". I went back in the living room to finish eating. When I went to bring my dishes out I found his calendar he kept hanging on a door, thrown under the kitchen table with the word "DIE" written across it for me. No one else went into the kitchen at all. After all this.. I called CT Soulseekers to see about another investigation. 

Saturday- August 11th..... CT Soulseekers- Nicole and Angel, came to do another investigation. We had the investigation set for upstairs at our our landlord's home since nothing was felt uncomfortable or unusual in our place. There were a few hits with the K2 meter lighting red-orange in between questions and some cold spots could be felt. After this we weren't getting as much so we decided to take a break. Our daughter stayed upstairs and we all came downstairs for a bit. Our daughter went to get some advil with our landlord and they were hit with a pen and an empty container of cat nip treats from his bedroom. We went back up to investigate some more and to use the ghost box this time, but only got some responses. One sounded like "fuck you".

We didn't get anything more so we decided to end it and around 1am. My daughter and I were spending the night away to see if anything would happen without us here. As our investigators were getting ready to leave we got a call from our landlord who said a knife and a roll of electrical tape were thrown at him and our daughter that came from his bedroom. We took the knife and a pair of scissors from his room and came back downstairs. We didn't have as much communication as we have had in the past and this investigation had an unexplained different feeling to it compared to those in the past. Things remained quiet but we were still skeptical.

Whatever we have here we have also noticed that it doesn't bother with my husband. Yes he did receive messages in the past but nothing was ever thrown at him nor did he have anything that belonged to him disappear. At one of our investigations it said it liked my husband. Basically the summarization is, it likes my husband, wants my daughter, wants me to die, and doesn't like our landlord and I don't know who it is and am not sure if it's alone or there are more spirits at this time. During our 3rd investigation at the time the numbers 3, 6, 8 kept getting repeated and when asked twice if it believed in God- it said- "No Satan". There are still many unanswered questions to go along with the summarization as well.

Monday- August 27th- 8:30..... Our daughter went to bring some things up to our landlord and to give him a hair cut. She was up there for approx. 20 mins. He was in his bedroom and she let him know she was upstairs. After she finished with him, she was in the living room waiting for him for a minute and she started to feel dizzy. She stepped into his bedroom to finish talking to him and her vision got blury and she felt more dizzier and hung onto his dresser. They went into the kitchen and she started to feel better and when she came back downstairs she was fine. 

Friday- September 28th 3:50pm..... We had a Catholic priest come to the house to discuss what's been happening and how everything started from the beginning. He did believe in what we have going on and he would still try to help us and could bless every room, doors, windows, etc. in the entire home. He also felt that if we tried to move whatever is here would follow. I explained to him that I didn't want to move and I had no problem if I had to share my home with a friendlier spirit, but not easy with an evil one. He agreed and proceeded to bless everything. 

At 5:40pm.... our landlord called to say that pens were thrown at him from his kitchen into his bedroom. Laundry detergent and baby oil were poured into a container of wet clothes in his tub. A cross he kept on a shelf on his dresser in his bedroom was left on a plate- turned upside down. Two music cds taken out of a file cabinet drawer- one thrown by his front door and another in the litter box. 

At 9:09pm.... While he was dozing in his bedroom, a spoon from the kitchen was thrown into the bedroom and a light bulb from the kitchen table was thrown and shattered in pieces. At 11:27pm.... he went to use the bathroom and was hit with a religious candle from his dresser while his back was turned. At 11:34pm.... A big bowling trophy from his front room was thrown at him in his bedroom and just missed him.

Saturday- September 29th- 12:48am..... a big black plastic covered paper clip was thrown at him in his bedroom. At 2:50am..... Cat litter taken from the litter box and dry cat food was thrown at him. At 9:34am.... a walkie talkie from his front room was thrown into his kitchen. At 9:36am... Plates and instruction booklets were thrown onto the floor in his pantry off the kitchen. At 10:02am.... Dvds taken from his front room-thrown onto the kitchen floor. He went to call me to tell me and he heard a whisper on the phone but couldn't make out what was being said. He had to use his cell to call me because then his house phone wouldn't work. At 10:23am..... A wedding picture of his parents that was hanging on the wall in his front room was thrown upside down into his kitchen right in front of me and glass shattered everywhere. At 8:30pm.... he got a phone call and no one on the other end. At 11:37pm.... a can of beans was taken from his pantry and thrown at his bedroom door. This was the last of the activity for the night and the weather was rainy, cool, sunny, damp.

Things seemed to calmed down a bit again for a while and I knew that it was very angry after the priest was here. Anything religious and of God or spiritual in a God sense is not liked nor welcomed here at all and it makes everything escalate and become more malicious and dangerous. From September til December..... things remained quiet with an occasional smell of burnt toast, and some mild messes here and there. Things started to happen again February 9th, 2013.

Saturday- February 9th- morning.... Our landlord found an egg in his bedroom in a bucket. He also found an egg smashed on the back of his t.v. in his bedroom and the t.v. was knocked over. He also found an egg smashed in a basket that he keeps under his t.v. in the kitchen, and he found eggs smashed in his clothes in the bathroom. An onion was thrown from his kitchen into his front room, and he received a call and no one on the other end. 

Wednesday- February 20th- early afternoon..... I brought some mail to our landlord. I chatted for a few minutes and then went to go back downstairs. As I was going down I felt pressure from fingers like someone goes to push you. Next thing I know I had fallen down the stairs. Later at night I was making fried dough for my daughter and I had a fire on the stove. I can't say for certain on this but I know there was no oil or anything on the burner to warrant it. Thursday the 21st.... my daughter smelled burnt toast two times in the living room while she was laying on the couch and when I walked in she said the smell immediately went away. I will keep updating here but right now no further activity.