Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June 9th, 2013-3pm... I went to see a psychic medium. I hemmed and hawned about doing so but I have tried everything else and wanted to to see and try because even though I have my convictions and am definitely positive as to who one of the spirits in my home are and the possibility of another but didn't have alot to go on, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to try to get more answers as to why we have been living in this kind of hell as I call it in the home. This person didn't know me at all and we did not know each other at all either. Before we got started she said there two people wanting to tell me something. It took me by surprise but at the same time, in my heart.. I knew who they were and I was right.
They were two deceased uncles of mine. Both whom weren't good people in life and they were in and out of prisons and jails and did many bad things. I had a history with one of them and the other.. I never had anything bad happen but I did see him in prison once and don't know why I was taken there to see him by the other uncle but I will never forget how that visit went.

But, what I was told.... it was definitely beyond a doubt and I put my life on it... that two of the evil sprirts in my home are both my uncles. The details she told me, Only a few certain people know the history of the one uncle involving me and what she told me... it was like I was living thru it all over again. I have 3 evil and very bad spirits in my home and 2 are my uncles and the other is someone not related to me, but he has a connection to the home, he's very mean and angry and I remind him of someone and I look like them, and he also wears clothes from another time. The other 2 spirits I have is a woman who has a connection to the home and she lost someone in the home and she has alot of tears and her name was either Ann or Mary. I did confirm the name Ann and it does make sense as to who she was and she did live here at one time with her husband. The other spirit is a little girl, 4 yrs. old and she is my second daughter that I lost and she is in heaven and is with a woman who is brunette. My grandmother ( mom's mom ) was brunette in her younger yrs and she's deceased too.

I was also told that a ouija board was found in our home which is correct. My husband found it when he started cleaning the attic in Oct. of 2010. I was also told that someone practiced Wicca and Paganism rituals with it, but I cannot confirm as to would have at this time. I have the history on the home and as to who lived here and where and what years, but found out that there was someone who did own this home prior to when the families I do know of living here. I have to get some more info about this. I was also told that recently I fell down my back stairs although I didn't fall but was pushed and that is true. I was leaving my landlord's kitchen and I have to go by the attic door to go down the stairs to my place. I was pushed two steps down from the attic door. I was also told that the door to the left... which is the attic... there is always something or someone there and the attic is very bad and evil and I am to stay out of it. It is true and have had that confirmed on several investigations and as well as myself experiencing things in it. 
It was confirmed that written messages I had gotten in the beginning saying "I want the girl".... the girl is me and they want me deader then dead. I have also known this all along as well. Another incident that happened with my daughter and I luckily intercepted when I did... was confirmed as the starting of a possession and it was so she would try to hurt me for them. I was also told that I am never alone and they follow me no matter where I go and I do firmly believe that and have had that proven to me too. There was much more confirmed to me that I will not post here and some of it is relevant to what goes on here regarding my husband and his energy being used, but otherwise there were other things confirmed but not related to the home and as to what goes on.

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